General Resources for Career Development
A variety of go-to websites for quality info on Career Exploration and Development
1. Bureau of Labor and Statistics
This website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor is chock full of helpful, reliable job and career information. It is easily navigated, very intuitive and well organized. The section for students has plenty of interactive, engaging activities.
Also sponsored by the Department of Labor, this site focuses on researching specific occupations. There are self-assessment tools, planning help and links to local Workforce resources. The site also converts to Spanish.
3. National Career Development Association
In addition to being a professional networking organization, the NCDA provides a wide variety of resources for career exploration, development and planning. These resources may be used by professionals and non-professionals, alike. The site provides a whole host of links to helpful sites.
4. is a commercial career planning website, so ads are part of the package. There are also options to buy services and products. That being said, the site has some very helpflu interactive tools to help with career exploration and planning. Users just need to be aware that the site exists to make money for its owners.
5. Oregon Career Information System
CIS is maintained by the University of Oregon and is the site we use at Central High School for career research. Access is through a site liscense, and CIS is used by many school districts throughout Oregon. Students create an account with a portfolio component which can be used to store everything of interest found on the site. There are self assessments, planning tools, and ways to document career-related learning experiences. The site interfaces with the state financial aid site for easy transfer of information to streamline applying for financial aid and scholarships.