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Growth Mindset
Like most teachers, I have always been interested in how to motivate students to learn. Carol Dweck of Stanford University has researched this topic extensively. In her book "Mindset" she identifies two ways of thinking about intelligence and learning: fixed and growth mindsets. I put this slide show together to help viewers differentiate between the two mindsets. The slideshow is housed on SlideShare.
The PowerPoint above eventually morphed into a Google Slide presentation designed to allow teachers to integrated the concepts of Growth Mindset into any content class. The slideshow, designed to teach students how they can affect their learning, contains clear definitions of Growth and Fixed Mindset, along with short with video clips from movies, demonstrating applications of a growth mindset.
When Central High School became an AVID school in 2017, I learned that Growth Mindset is a part of the AVID program. I was able to share this slideshow on Google with all the teachers at CHS.
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