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a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity
Google My Maps

Two ways I have used I have used My Maps relate to Career Development. I have had sophomores create a My Map of Adult Allies where they identify significant adults in their lives and tag pins with info about how those allies have encouraged them by teaching, coaching and mentoring them. These are the adults who will eventually write letters of recommendation as students apply to colleges and for scholarships


The other way I have used My Maps is to create and share a map with my class and then have them drop pins or mark places where they have volunteered. Every student at CHS must volunteer 15 hours a year. These maps of volunteer sites are great resources for students looking for volunteer opportunities.

My Maps is a great service provided by Google where students can make their own thematic maps by placing and adding information to pins. The use of My Maps orients students to their communities and allows them to make relevant connections as they expand their familiarity and knowledge of the world around them.

In 2015 My Maps became an optional service for Central School District, under the control of the school district's network administrator. That manager took notice that to add My Maps for student use, an additional user agreement was needed to the one we have students file for the duration of their time at Central. That action was perceived as problematic. At present, I do not have access to the My Maps I created under my CHS google account and My Maps is not available for use in our school district.  


I have been on a mission to restore My Maps to district use, sending emails and talking to administrators. It is a slow process requiring meticulous explaining to people who are not tech aware and who do not have natural buy-in for the My Maps service. I have found some sympathetic ears and am close to getting the issue resolved. 

Below is a My Map which I created under my personal Google account as a demo for students.

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